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Our 10 Step Mortgage & Home Buying Guide for First Time Buyers in York

To assist first time buyers in York, we have outlined the 10 steps involved in the mortgage process. This comprehensive guide is designed to provide you with the necessary information and preparation for your upcoming mortgage journey.

Here are the 10 steps involved in the process of purchasing a home and obtaining a mortgage:

First Step: Get in Touch for Your Free Mortgage Consultation

As a first time buyer in York, you have taken a major step in purchasing a home and securing a mortgage. This can be a daunting experience, especially if you are unfamiliar with the process. That’s where we come in. As a dedicated mortgage broker in York, our goal is to take the stress out of the process and help you secure a favorable mortgage deal for your first home.

When you reach out to us, we’ll schedule a free initial consultation with one of our experienced mortgage advisors in York. During this consultation, we’ll gather your information and understand your goals, before starting the process. Let us help you make this exciting step a smooth and stress-free experience.

Second Step: Mortgage Affordability Assessment – How are you doing Financially?

During your free mortgage appointment, your dedicated mortgage advisor in York will conduct a mortgage affordability assessment. This evaluation involves reviewing your monthly income and expenses to determine if you can afford the monthly mortgage repayments for the amount you wish to borrow.

This assessment is critical, as it helps us ensure that you are able to afford your repayments and avoid the risk of default and potential repossession. This is something that both the lender and we strive to avoid.

Typically, the lender will conduct their own affordability assessment, but our initial check will save time for everyone involved, including the lender, us, and most importantly, you. It also helps prevent any potential declined applications due to affordability issues.

Third Step: Obtaining a Mortgage Agreement in Principle

As part of your free consultation, obtaining a Mortgage Agreement in Principle is the next step. If you’ve been researching mortgages before seeking first time Buyer mortgage advice in York, you might have come across various names for this, such as ‘Decision in Principle’, ‘Mortgage in Principle’, or the abbreviations ‘DIP’ and ‘AIP’. Regardless of the name, these all refer to the same thing.

A Mortgage Agreement in Principle serves as proof that you have cleared a lender’s initial credit assessment, either through a hard credit search (which leaves a record) or a soft search (which does not leave a record).

This agreement is not a guarantee of mortgage approval, but it is a crucial step towards your ultimate goal. Having this document also demonstrates to a property seller that you are sincere in your intentions, potentially leading to better negotiation opportunities. An AIP typically lasts 30 to 90 days and can be easily renewed if it expires. Our team can usually provide you with an AIP within 24 hours of your initial appointment.

Fourth Step: Finding the Right Solicitor

Having secured an Agreement in Principle, the next step in your home buying journey is to find a Conveyancing Solicitor, also known as a Conveyancer. This professional is responsible for handling the legal aspects of transferring ownership of the property from the seller to the buyer.

Your Conveyancing Solicitor will be responsible for several key tasks, including reviewing and negotiating contracts, providing legal advice as needed, conducting local council and authority searches, working with the Land Registry, and finally, transferring the funds needed to purchase the property. Given the critical role that this professional will play in the process, it’s important to choose wisely.

It’s worth noting that there are two types of Conveyancing professionals: Licensed Conveyancers and general Solicitors. Licensed Conveyancers are specialists in property law but may not be equipped to handle more complicated legal issues. On the other hand, general Solicitors offer a full range of services, but their services may be more expensive. While your mortgage advisor in York may not offer these services in-house, they have a list of trusted companies that they can refer you to.

Fifth Step: Making an Offer on a Property

You have successfully taken several crucial steps in your journey towards homeownership. After speaking with a mortgage broker in York, passing the Mortgage Affordability Assessment, and finding a Conveyancing Solicitor, you now have an Agreement in Principle in hand. This agreement, which confirms that a lender is willing to provide you with a mortgage for a certain amount, puts you in a much stronger position as you move forward to make an offer on the property you have your eye on.

When making your offer, it’s important to keep in mind that you don’t want to offend the seller by making an offer that is too low. However, don’t hesitate to negotiate the price. Having an Agreement in Principle in hand demonstrates to the seller that you are a serious buyer and that you have the financial capability to follow through with the purchase. This could increase the likelihood of the seller accepting your offer over others who may be willing to pay the full asking price, but lack the same level of preparation.

In the event that the seller declines your offer, it’s not the end of the road. You can either make a revised, more reasonable offer or choose to move on and find another property. If your offer is accepted, it’s time to return to your mortgage advisor and take the final steps towards securing your mortgage and completing the purchase of your dream home.

Sixth Step: Submit Your Documents 

 With the legal side of the home buying process taken care of, it’s time to focus on the mortgage aspect. One of the key steps in this process is submitting the required documentation to the mortgage lender. Given the large sum of money involved, the lender will need to ensure that they are lending to the right person and that they are able to repay the loan.

To verify your identity, financial status, and ability to repay the loan, you will need to provide a range of documentation, this includes:

If you are obtaining a joint mortgage, this documentation will be required from both parties.

Seventh Step: We’ll Progress Your Mortgage Application

With your mortgage offer being accepted, it’s time to move forward with the submission of your full mortgage application. Our dedicated mortgage advisor in York and their team of Mortgage Administrators have thoroughly reviewed and prepared all the necessary documents, so we are ready to submit your application to the lender.

Your advisor will send the collected evidential documentation to the lender, and then it’s just a matter of waiting for their decision. Although there is no set timeline for a response, our Mortgage Administration team will be monitoring the progress of your application and will follow up with the lender to ensure a prompt resolution. They will keep you informed of any updates and will be there to help if the lender decides to accept or decline your mortgage application.

Eighth Step: Property Valuation / Survey

Between the submission of your mortgage application and being offered a mortgage, the lender will require a property valuation survey to be conducted. This survey is usually performed by a trusted and accredited company nominated by the lender.

The purpose of the survey is to determine the true value of the property compared to the agreed purchase price. If the purchase price exceeds the actual market value, the lender may be less inclined to approve the mortgage, as in the case of default, they may not be able to recover the full borrowed amount. This scenario is commonly referred to as a “Down Valuation”.

There are various types of surveys available, each with different levels of detail and varying costs. Some surveys simply determine the property’s value, while others provide information about potential structural issues and necessary repairs for the future. Your mortgage advisor in York will assist you in selecting the appropriate survey for your needs.

Ninth Step: Receiving Your Mortgage Offer

The time has finally arrived – after your lender has reviewed your case and evaluated all the supporting documentation, they will present you with a mortgage offer.

At this point, our team of knowledgeable and friendly mortgage advisors and administrators in York, whom you have become familiar with throughout the process, will review the offer to ensure accuracy and completeness. Upon receipt of the mortgage offer, your Conveyancing Solicitor will then take over and guide the purchase to completion.

Tenth Step: Completing The Process 

As a new homeowner in York, you have reached a significant milestone in your life. You have successfully navigated the complex process of purchasing a home for the first time, and we extend our heartfelt congratulations to you. With the stress and uncertainty of the buying journey now behind you, it’s time to settle into your new home and enjoy the rewards of your hard work and dedication.

The next step in your journey is to obtain the keys to your new home and begin the process of moving in. This is an exciting time, filled with anticipation and the possibility of creating new memories and experiences in your new surroundings.

We are proud to have been a part of your journey and to have provided you with the support and guidance you needed along the way. Our team of mortgage experts in York is committed to delivering a fast and friendly service that is tailored to your unique needs and circumstances. We understand that purchasing a home is a big commitment, and we strive to make the process as seamless and stress-free as possible.

If you have chosen a fixed-rate mortgage, rest assured that we will be in touch with you at the end of your term to assist you with your Remortgage needs. Our goal is to ensure that you continue to enjoy the benefits of homeownership for years to come, and we look forward to serving you once again in the future.

How to Improve your Credit Score in York?

Way to improve your credit score | moneymanTV

When you apply for a mortgage, having a high credit score improves your chances of being successful. That being said, a high credit score alone won’t guarantee that the financial institution will approve your mortgage.

Every mortgage lender has its own unique mortgage lending criteria, meaning a high credit score in the eyes of one, might not necessarily be a high score in the eyes of another.

Speaking to a mortgage broker in York, like ourselves, is just one of the great ways to improve your chances of success. Using our knowledge of mortgages, we’ll look to get you matched up with a suitable lender for your circumstances.

If you want to get a much more in-depth knowledge of your credit score, you can take a look at a wide variety of credit scoring agencies. For people seeking mortgage advice in York, you will probably come across the bigger names, such as Experian or Equifax.

It is important to check more than just one of these though, so you can get a more accurate look at how your credit file is currently. It also helps to spot any mistakes or inconsistencies amongst the different platforms.

Limit Your Credit Search to a Reasonable Amount 

Of course if you’re doing multiple credit searches, you may also harm your chances of getting a mortgage approved by a mortgage lender, especially if you are doing too many.

Instead, try to limit it to a small selection of trusted credit scoring websites, in order to prevent doing any potential harm to your mortgage chances.

Ensure That You’re on the Voters’ Roll 

People on the voters’ roll are considered to be much more stable and organised than people who are not, and it is something that will reflect positively on your credit score.

If you have not done this before or have not updated your information, it may be worth doing so in order to possibly improve your credit score and consequently, your chances of being accepted for a mortgage.

Don’t Max Out Your Credit 

Another way to improve your credit score is to know your maximum credit limit and make sure you don’t go over that amount.

Maxing out your credit limits your credit score may not help with your mortgage lenders perception of your ability to stabilise your finances.

A mortgage lender will prefer to work with individuals of whom they know can maintain their finances responsibly, with minimal to no risk of falling into arrears.

Ensure to Update Your Address History Properly 

It is very important to update your address history to ensure that your provider knows where exactly you live at a given time. Failure to do so could give the impression that you’re living in two places at once.

Ensure that the details are correct, especially if you live in a flat- which could be quite difficult due to different address formatting.  

Terminate Dormant Credit Accounts 

If you have any old credit accounts that you no longer use, contact the providers to close the accounts. Doing so will be sure to streamline your finances, protects you from fraud and reduces the risk of harming your credit score.

End Your Financial Links to Others  

If you have family, an ex-wife or husband, or any other person that you are financially linked to, it is important to sever those ties prior to a mortgage application.

The truth is, those links may potentially harm your credit score, especially if that person develops a poor credit score of their own. Due to the link, your score will also go down.

Get in Touch with a Mortgage Broker in York

Whether you’re a first time buyer in York, looking to remortgage in York, moving house in York or any other kind of mortgage scenario, your credit score should always be one of your top priorities.

Book online to speak with a mortgage broker in York. A dedicated advisor will talk you through any necessary steps for you to take.

Mortgages for Newly Qualified Teachers (NQTs) in York 

Newly Qualified Teacher Mortgage Advice in York 

Congratulations, you have now passed all of the necessary exams and now class yourself as a Newly Qualified Teacher. Now it’s time for the next step, which is for you to now make use of your new skills and find yourself a teaching job using your well-earned qualification.

Depending on where you’ll be working, you will need to start looking into the different options that are available for you with moving home in York, as you could be working further away from where you currently live.

Later down the line, you may find yourself looking to move somewhere else, perhaps finding it a little more challenging to find the balance between homeownership and getting into your new role.

Throughout our time as a mortgage broker in York, we have worked with a lot of home buyers and homeowners, all of whom benefitted from speaking with one of our expert mortgage advisors in York, to take the stress away whilst they keep their minds focused on their new career.

Newly Qualified Teacher Mortgages York

We tend to find, that it’s not always so straightforward to search for a mortgage lender who will be happy to offer a mortgage to someone who is a newly qualified teacher. Problems tend to appear when there isn’t any work history they can look at or because they only have a non-permanent contract.

Although these can be an issue, there are still many options out there for Newly Qualified Teachers who are looking to obtain a mortgage. Over our time as a mortgage broker in York, our responsive team of Mortgage Advisors in York has helped many newly qualified teachers (NQTs) obtain a mortgage.

We aim to make the process go smoothly, we have access to many mortgage lenders, whose criteria will be suitable for your situation, which in this case is usually what would be the most challenging part of the mortgage process.

When issues like these crop up, our experienced mortgage advice team in York will search through 1000s of mortgage deals for you, doing everything we can to find you the most suitable deal for your situation. 

What mortgages for NQTs may be available? 

Make sure to bear in mind that whilst yes, mortgages can sometimes be complicated for Newly Qualified Teachers, it doesn’t mean you are restricted in what is available to you on the mortgage market.

Below we have listed some of the different types of mortgages that crop up when working with cases alongside Newly Qualified Teachers: 

Matching you to a Suitable Lender

There are some known mortgage lenders out there who do not need to see previous employment and may allow you to obtain up to a 95% LTV (loan-to-value).

Depending on the mortgage lender that you go with, you may find that a 12-month first contract is treated the same as a permanent job role, rather than just being seen as a temporary contract.

We tend to find, that there may be a selection of mortgage lenders around the country who are willing to get started on your mortgage before you officially start your job, though to do this you will have to provide evidence of a signed contract and a confirmation of your start date. 

This can come in quite handy, as you may potentially be prepared to start making your first mortgage payments at the time when you are due your first month’s wages from your new job, by the time your mortgage has been completed. 

How a Mortgage Advisor in York may Help 

Our open & honest team of dedicated mortgage advice experts in York have extensive knowledge and experience in helping customers across the mortgage and property markets, providing help to lots of first time home buyers with their mortgage needs.

There is a great deal of benefits to using the services of a trusted mortgage broker in York. We always strive to take away your stress, looking through thousands of different and tailored mortgage deals for you, our customer, suggesting possible conveyancing solicitors for you to use and more.

Find out what you may have available to you as a first time buyer in York, by getting booked in online for a free mortgage appointment with an experienced and reputable mortgage advisor in York, who will collect information from you and help you onto the next step of your journey. 

Do Gambling Transactions Look Bad on My Bank Statements in York?

When lenders are requesting your bank statements, they will be looking into various things. By assessing these bank statements, the lender can get an idea of the type of person you are and how well they would be able to manage their mortgage payments. Through our experience, we have encountered numerous enquiries asked by applicants wondering if gambling transactions look bad on their bank statements.

What Do Lenders Look For On My Bank Statements? | MoneymanTV

Mortgage Questions to Consider

What has it got to do with the lender whether I gamble or not?

As much as gambling can be a risky activity, we are not saying that it is an illegal act, however, lenders do judge applicants in a less favourable light if there are a large amount of gambling transactions in a shot space of time on their bank statements. You might have seen many gambling adverts on TV where they always urge customers to ‘gamble responsibly’, this is something in the mortgage industry we persuade too.

Obviously, it’s not the lender’s job to tell you what to do with your life with your finances or to lecture you on the rights and wrongs of gambling but, they do have a duty to lend responsibly.

Lenders need to demonstrate to the regulators that they are making judicious lending decisions. Therefore, it isn’t entirely unreasonable of them to have similar expectations of the people who are looking to borrow from them. Put it in this perspective, if you were to lend your own money, would you lend money to the individual who gambles or the one who doesn’t?

Is it still possible to get a mortgage if I’ve got gambling transactions on my recent bank statements?

It is not illegal to gamble, therefore, the odd gambling transaction on your bank statement does not automatically mean you will be declined for a mortgage. On the other, these transactions will be judged by the lender as to whether these transactions are rational. Along with this, they will look at the frequency of these transactions, the size of the transactions in relation to the applicant’s income and the overall impact on the balance.

When the transactions are infrequent small amounts that make no big impact on a regular credit bank balance, then they are not likely to be regarded as important. On the other hand, if an applicant gambles most weeks and is constantly in their overdraft, the lender will see this as irresponsible and decline your application.

Is there anything else lenders wouldn’t want to see on my bank statements?

The reason lenders like to look at your bank statement is for them to understand your financial behaviour with managing money and can conclude whether or not they are confident in lending to you.

Lenders are financial institutions that, either directly or as part of a wider group, often sell current accounts, overdraft facilities credit cards and personal loans. With this in mind, you need to understand that these all factor in prudent financial planning. It’s important for a mortgage applicant to look into how these facilities work.

For example, if you occasionally find yourself in overdraft, this is not inherently a bad thing. Whereas regularly exceeding the overdraft limit is not so good. Furthermore, lenders will look for excess overdraft fees or returned direct debits as these would usually show that the account is not well conducted.

Credit transactions from pay-day loan companies; “undisclosed” loan repayments (e.g. if you said on the application that you have no other loans but here appear to be regular loan payment, this could be an issue) is just some of the things to look out for. They would also look out for outstanding missed payments and they might see how much of a typical month is spent overdrawn – i.e. if you only just go into credit on payday and for the rest of the month is overdrawn, how sustainable is this mortgage?

What can I do to improve things?

Be sensible and plan ahead, if possible. Usually, a bank would request up to three months of your most recent bank statements. This will show the lender your salary credits and regular bill payments. Therefore, if you are thinking of applying for a mortgage in the distant future make sure that you avoid any of the above pitfalls. It’s best that you take a break from gambling for a short time and work on presenting your bank account in the best possible light.

There are a number of lenders out there who may ask for fewer bank statements than others or some may not ask them at all, this is something a mortgage broker could help you with. Despite this, these lenders do still have the right to request bank statements in particular circumstances so it’s best you are prudent in the run-up to any mortgage application. It’s important you if you do gamble, please gamble responsibly!

Get in Touch With a Mortgage Broker in York

Getting some specialist mortgage advice in AREA will benefit first time buyer in York like yourselves, especially if you have little knowledge about mortgages. They can provide a helping hand with your application and look impressionable to lenders. Simply book online your free mortgage appointment to speak with one of our mortgage advisors in York today.

Getting Prepared For A Mortgage in York

First Time Buyer Mortgage Advice in York

If you have been saving up for a property and are ready to finally put a deposit down on a potential new home, it is now time for you to get prepared for a mortgage!

You may be a first time buyer in York, jumping into the world of mortgages with no experience. You could be moving home in York, looking to get a mortgage on another property you have your eye on.

In any case, obtaining open and honest mortgage advice in York will be beneficial ahead of your mortgage process, as one of our trusted mortgage advisors will guide and support you all throughout.

Below are some helpful tips on how to get mortgage ready, including information that can help you be prepared for the mortgage application process.

Get Mortgage Ready in York

Here at Yorkmoneyman, a member of our dedicated mortgage advice team in York will be on hand to provide you with help and guidance all throughout your journey.

They will be there to answer all of your mortgage questions, suggesting the most appropriate course of action for you to take.

A true benefit of obtaining mortgage advice in York is that you will be able to take a look into the amount you will be able to borrow for a mortgage, as well as gaining an understanding of your monthly costs.

Once we have carried out an affordability and borrowing capacity assessment, your designated mortgage advisor in York will take a look through 1000’s of mortgage products in order to find the best one for your circumstances.

In order to do this, they will request that you provide them with an up-to-date credit report, so that they can understand your current financial position.

Agreement in Principle

In the beginning of your mortgage process, you will need to look at obtaining an agreement in principle. This should be a priority for you, as you won’t be able to make an offer without one.

As a mortgage broker in York, we are typically able to obtain this for you, within 24 hours of your initial mortgage appointment. This will hopefully mean you have one less thing to stress about.

In addition to this, you will need to provide some proof of your identity. This includes your name, where you live and how much you earn.

With a lot of paperwork required, it is best that you keep organised. Collect documents in advance and create a file for these, so that you don’t lose them.

Proof of ID

As mentioned, you will need to prove who you are in order to get started with the mortgage process. It needs to be photographic like a driver’s license or a passport.

A driver’s license can also be used for proof of address, though if you use it for this, you will need a separate document as proof of ID.

Proof of Address

Once again, as discussed above, you will also need to provide evidence of where you currently live. You can do this by sending in a utility bill or original bank statement that is dated within the last 3 months.

Last Three Months Bank Statements

Other big factors in whether or not you qualify for a mortgage, are your spending habits and how well you manage your finances.

Bank statements will be able to showcase both of these to your lender, going into detail about what comes in and what goes out of your account.

Lenders will prefer looking at your bank statements as it shows you would be able to meet your monthly mortgage payments along with your other expenses.

Another factor that lenders may look at, is if you have any gambling transactions on your bank statements.

If you are a frequent gambler, this is something lenders will not like seeing because it is a spending habit that could potentially cause issues in the future.

If you happen to be a regular gambler, the lender likely won’t want to risk it affecting your ability to pay back a mortgage. Exceeding your overdraft on a regular basis or having consistent bounced direct debits will also be detrimental.

What Do Lenders Look For On Bank Statements | MoneymanTV

Proof of The Deposit For Your Mortgage

Further to the above point, you will also need to evidence where your deposit funds have come from. Doing this is important, and keeps everything in line with anti-money laundering regulations.

You will be required to answer questions about your deposit and how exactly you were able to raise the funds to cover that amount.

To avoid questions and looking suspicious, we would highly recommend that you avoid moving larger funds around from account to account. This would confuse the audit trail and flag up to the lender.

They like to see that you saved up your money for the deposit, preferably inside a savings account of some kind.

Gifted Deposits

Throughout our time working as a mortgage broker in York, we have seen an large increase in the popularity of gifted deposits, especially amongst first time buyers in York, looking to find their footing on the property ladder.

When it comes to gifted deposits, you need to evidence this correctly, regardless of your mortgage scenario.

Gifted deposits are typically donated from a family member or friend. Whomever the donor is, they must verify in writing that this is strictly a gift and not a loan to be paid back.

Proof of Income

In order to prove that you actually can afford a mortgage, you must also evidence your income. You will be required to show your last 3 months’ payslips and your most recent P60.

Elements such as regular overtime, commission, shift allowance and bonuses are something else that a mortgage lender will need to know about ahead of time.

If you are self employed in York, proving income is a little different to other applicants, as you will need help from your accountant by requesting a tax year overview.

A List of Your Expected Outgoings

It is recommended that you look into what your estimated outgoings are as this can help you with being prepared for a mortgage in York.

Looking at your outgoings, such as council and utility bills. This will be helpful when comparing with your other monthly expenses such as food and drink.

Bearing all of this in mind, you will be able to get a rough estimate of the amount of disposable income you will need to pay out mortgage payments.

If you are at the point of applying for your mortgage in York, it can be challenging to do alone. Going through the mortgage journey with an expert mortgage advisor in York can make this easier for you.

Book your free mortgage appointment using our online booking feature today. Choose a time slot that suits you, and speak to an experienced mortgage advisor in York, subject to availability.

What do Lenders Look for When Assessing my Bank Statements?

During your mortgage process, you will need to provide evidential documentation to prove that you can afford your mortgage repayments. The documents that you’ll be asked to provide, include bank statements, proof of address, latest P60, payslips and photographic ID.

What Do Lenders Look For On My Bank Statements? | MoneymanTV

Why do lenders ask to see my bank statements?

Lenders need to be certain that you are financially stable to afford your monthly repayments. If given an agreement in principle this will signify that you have been agreed in principle you providing substantial documentation to back up everything that you’ve said about yourself.

Your bank statements can say a lot about a person, they highlight your latest spending habits like the commonness of going to the pub, making gambling transactions, and going shopping on a betting app. Everything transaction, even bank transfers to and from different accounts will need to be shown.

The lender needs to know whether they are lending to dependable applicants or not. For example, if the lender can see that an applicant spends too much money or exceeds their arranged overdraft limit every month, they will question whether they will be able to afford a mortgage or not.

It’s all down to risk. If the lender thinks that you are going to struggle with your mortgage payments due to how you spend your money, they are unlikely to accept your application.

What specifically will they be looking for?

The question is, what exactly are they looking for? What do lenders not want to crop up on my bank statements during your mortgage application?

1 – Gambling transactions

The first thing your lender will look for on your bank statements is any gambling transactions. 

Gambling transactions are one of the first things that your lender will look for on your bank statements. Believe it or not, depending on how frequently and how much money you gamble, gambling can affect your chances of getting a mortgage.

Don’t worry, the occasional gambling will be harmless. That said, if you are continually gambling enormous quantities of money, you will not be in the lender’s favour and you may be seen as irresponsible.

This is because lenders need to trust you and know that you will be able to meet your repayments on time.

2 – Exceeding your overdraft

Lenders need to know that you can afford a mortgage, so going in and out of your overdraft and reaching its limit every month is something that lenders won’t take lightly. 

That said, there is nothing wrong with going into your overdraft, we have seen it happen with different applicants all the time. But if you have to do this every month, it might stop you from getting accepted.

3 – Bounced direct debits

Be aware that lenders will look out for any bounced direct debits. A bounced direct debit is when a company tries to take money from your account through direct debit, but your account doesn’t have the necessary funds to cover the bill, this usually occurs with monthly bills/subscriptions. 

Whether this is a complete accident but if you accidentally missed a mortgage payment, this will be more detrimental than missing a Netflix subscription. But having repeated bounced direct debits will reflect badly on your credit file, so be wary in the future.

4 – Failing to pay off loans and credit cards

Lenders will be making a note to check for any personal loans and credit card commitments. You need to make sure to declare any expenditures and that you will still be able to meet your mortgage payments on time with these expenditures.

What can I do to show my lender that I’m a reliable applicant?

Here at Yorkmoneyman, we have worked with many first time buyers and home movers in York. We tend to find that most lenders will ask for at least three months worth of bank statements from their applicants. 

Now, you can’t alter what your past bank statements show, but you can change what appears on them in the future. Before you decide to submit your final mortgage application, you need to get prepared and be mortgage-ready so your finances mirror you in the right way. Here are some of our recommendations:

Speak to a Mortgage Advisor in York Today

If you need help with making your application stand out, book your free mortgage appointment today with one of our expert specialist mortgage advice in York. We have worked in the industry for over 20 years and helped many first time buyers in York achieve their mortgage goals.

We are confident to say that we know exactly how to help. You could be next, so if you have any mortgage questions, we have likely helped many applicants in your situation before.

The Pros & Cons of Using a Mortgage Broker in York

First time buyers in York who are looking to put their foot onto the property ladder, or find themselves once again at the end of their fixed term, might find the process a little daunting.

Depending on the homeowner and homebuyer circumstances there are many different routes to take. Ideally, you’ll want a service that gets it right the first time, saving you time and money.

Here at Yorkmoneyman, we firmly believe that first time buyers in York like yourselves will find our service beneficial during the entire process.

Rest assured, you are in safe hands with us, we have absolute confidence in our ability to help customers. We also understand that some people may be wondering how a mortgage broker in York can actually help.

This is why we felt it was best to put together a balanced summary of why speaking with a mortgage broker in York will be beneficial, as well as why others instead choose to directly to a mortgage lender.

What are the pros & cons of using a mortgage broker in York?


We promise to try our best to save money by going direct and finding your own mortgage deal. This isn’t entirely untrue, as a mortgage broker in York may charge a fee, though this is very much circumstantial.

If you’re experienced in doing it yourself, and have a straightforward case and knowledge of lender criteria, by all means, this will be easier and more cost-effective. The downside to this comes with more complex cases and people who don’t understand the lending criteria.

If you have the basic understanding of doing it by yourself, have a simple case and have knowledge of the lending criteria, by all means, this will be a walk in the park and more cost-effective.

However, those with a complicated case and people who don’t understand the lending criteria could either end up on the wrong deal or unsuccessfully apply for a mortgage deal.

Both situations could poorly result in you spending more money than what’s needed, or harming your credit score, resulting in your overhaul chances of obtaining a mortgage in the future.

Our mortgage advisors in York aim to recommend the most suitable deal for your circumstances. Whilst again, this may come with a service fee, you could be saving yourself a lot more money in the long run.

Local Bank Branch Relationships

Another point that many more senior customers think works in their favour of going directly to the bank, is the way the mortgage process was previously run. Before online banking and the ever-increasing popularity of technology, you would be a loyal customer of your nearest branch regularly, often communicating to the same people.

Back then before credit scoring, you would sit with the bank managers themselves, who understood your finances inside and out and would accept you for a mortgage. Whereas in the present, a lot has changed since.

Now, the bank manager won’t run through your case personally. Instead, it goes through an online system, to determine if you are eligible to qualify for a mortgage. These days, more people get given a good chance to apply for a mortgage, it no longer matters which company you bank with for years.

Exclusive Mortgage Products

You may have heard that you can get better access to better deals by going direct. This may be somewhat true, they can offer good deals, but these deals are only exclusive to their own company.

Not all mortgage lenders are banks and there are many other deals out there to choose from. The most suitable deal your bank can offer, might not be the best deal overall that you could have got, by going elsewhere.

At this point, seeking mortgage advice in York will be very beneficial. Our mortgage advisor in York will go through your case and find you the most suitable deal with one of the many lenders we have on the panel, rather than from just one source.

It’s also worth noting on the topic of exclusivity, that you may also find deals with a mortgage broker in York, that you can’t find anywhere else. Whether you are a first time buyer wanting to put your foot onto the property ladder, looking to remortgage in York or have a specialist case, there will be more options for you when going with a mortgage broker in York.

Changes to Regulation & Consumer Protection

Prior to the 2007-08 credit crunch, as summarised in the 2014 Mortgage Market Review, lenders were no longer allowed to sell mortgages to their customers on a non-advised basis.

What we mean is, you cannot just walk into a bank, tell them you want a mortgage and be accepted without any background checks.

These modifications also brought about consumer protection, that a bank otherwise would not have given you. Nowadays you are now in a position to complain to the Financial Ombudsman if you feel misadvised in any way. You also can make a claim via the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.

Whichever journey you are going down, going to either a mortgage broker or mortgage lender, you will be in safe hands, secure and professionally advised.

Booking an Appointment with a Mortgage Advisor in York

What gives a mortgage broker in York an upper hand is it can sometimes take time to try and speak with an advisor at the bank. Once you have made that contact and started your process with your bank, you’re not always guaranteed to be kept in the loop.

A benefit of using a mortgage broker in York is that we work around your busy schedule and arrange a time that suits you. Our dedicated teams of mortgage advisors in York are here from morning until late, every single day of the week, including weekends and certain bank holidays too.

Not only can you book yourself on a day and time that suits you, but sometimes we offer same-day appointments, subject to availability.

Don’t panic if you work a 9-5 job and need to speak with a qualified mortgage advisor in York. We’ve got you covered! With the help of our booking feature, it’s never been easier to speak with a mortgage advisor in York!

Handling of Complex Scenarios

Everyone’s mortgage situation can be more challenging than the ‘average’ case. Recurring examples of this that our team have encountered over the years working in the industry include (but are not limited to):

Previously, mortgage lenders could easily compete with one another by offering deals that were better than the other. Times have changed since then, and now the main difference in which deal you go with, is whether or not you match their lending criteria.

You may come across a cheap deal you aren’t eligible for. The lender will either do a hard or soft credit search, to see if you are eligible to have a mortgage.

If you apply for the mortgage and the lender declines an agreement in principle, this may damage your credit file. The worst part is you will be given no reason as to why you were declined.

A mortgage broker in York like ourselves will be able to run through your case beforehand, ensuring that everything is good to proceed and inform you of anything you need to increase your odds of being accepted for a mortgage.

Utilising the vast amount of lenders of our pane, we can match you with deals that fit your eligibility and supply you with an agreement in principle. We aim to supply you with an agreement in principle within 24 hours after your free mortgage appointment.

However, this doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed to be agreed, but it’s much safer for your credit file to be organised and get everything sorted beforehand. As expert mortgage advisors in York, we aim to get our recommendation right the first time.

In Conclusion; Should I use a mortgage broker in York?

As an expert mortgage broker in York, who has been in the industry for over 20 years, we have helped many customers achieve their mortgage goals. From first time buyers in York getting onto the property ladder for the first time, to people at the end of their fixed period, looking to remortgage in York, it’s safe to say you are in safe hands with us.

As you can see, there are indeed pros and cons to going with a mortgage broker in York. Likewise, there are also pros and cons to going direct as well. It comes down to how quick you want your service to be, and how secure you want to be.

If you would like to speak with one of our mortgage advisors in York, feel free to book yourself in for a free mortgage appointment or remortgage review. Everyone here at Yorkmoneyman is here to help with all your mortgage needs, around a time that is most suitable for you, subject to availability.

For more information, please feel free to take a look at our genuine customer reviews. They are a reflection of the high-end levels of service that we provide to all new and existing customers.

Why use a Mortgage Broker | MoneymanTV

Lifetime ISA Explained in York

Back in 2017, the government introduced the Lifetime ISA Scheme. A Lifetime ISA can help you build up savings for your first property or save for later in life. In this article, we will show you how a Lifetime ISA can help first time buyers in York get onto the property ladder.

Lifetime ISA Explained UK | MoneymanTV

What is a Lifetime ISA?

The purpose of the scheme is to help First Time Buyers in York either raise additional funds for their first property or save additional cash for a bigger deposit. ISA stands for Independent Savings Account, so the Lifetime ISA works like a savings account and the best part about the Lifetime ISA is the money you grow is tax-free.

There are no limits to how much you can save each month, only a £4,000 a year cap. As an additional bonus, the government top up your total annual savings by an extra 25%. Therefore, if you manage to hit the £4,000 mark, you will receive an additional £1,000. This brings your total yearly savings to £5,000.

Worry not if you only can afford to save £720 a year (£60 per month), you will receive a £180 free bonus from the government. Please be aware that once the money is inside the saving accounts, there is no way to withdraw the cash without paying a fee.

How can I spend my savings?

You have two different ways how you choose to spend your savings. Ether use it to purchase your first property or save it up for a bigger deposit. If you choose to use your Lifetime ISA savings to purchase your first property.

This has to be your first purchase, it does not affect you if you are currently renting. If you want to withdraw from the Lifetime ISA without using it to purchase your home, you will have to pay a 25% withdrawal charge. So, make sure to be extra careful of how much you are putting into your savings account.

As an open and honest Mortgage Broker in York, we have worked in the industry for over 20 years. We recommend looking at the Lifetime ISA when you are either struggling to afford a small deposit or you are planning to buy your first home within the next five years or more.

You can keep building up your ISA until you want to withdraw the funds for your property purchase. We tend ot find, so many homeowners get onto the property ladder by utilising the government’s Lifetime ISA scheme. You can find more information on the government’s official webpage by clicking here.

Are there any restrictions?

There are a few things that you need to consider when it comes to qualifying for the Lifetime ISA. If you are looking to use a Lifetime ISA to purchase a property, here are the conditions:

Lifetime ISA Requirements:

If you are eligible for a mortgage and looking to utilise the Lifetime ISA scheme, please don’t hesitate to book your free mortgage appointment to speak to a mortgage advisor in York today, we will try our best to find you a suitable mortgage and get onto the property ladder.

Mortgage Advisors in York

If you are interested in the Lifetime ISA and want to begin your mortgage journey. Now is the perfect time to speak with one of our experienced Mortgage Advisors in York. We would love to try and help you make that first step onto the property ladder.

Forces Help to Buy Scheme (FHTB) in York Explained

Help to Buy Mortgage Advice in York

Armed Forces Help to Buy Scheme | MoneymanTV

It’s great news for any military personnel! From 1 January 2023, The Forces Help to Buy Scheme will become an enduring policy, ensuring its availability to all service personnel now and in the future. 

It was originally introduced way back in 2014, this £200 million scheme was brought in as a means of helping those in the military to get onto the property ladder. It was meant to go away in December of 2019, but thankfully it stuck around!

How does this help to buy work?  

Eligible military personnel will be able to borrow a deposit that is up to half their annual salary (a maximum of £25,000), without any interest added on. This can either be used to purchase their first home as a first time buyer, or move into a new home.

The best part of using this scheme is that you won’t need to have any current savings in order to get a home. A portion of the money that is raised from the loan can be put towards either your deposit, or something else, such as: 

This is amazing for forces personnel and even better yet, the majority of mortgage lenders will accept the loan as your deposit for a new home.

The Forces Help to Buy Scheme is a lot more laid back than other schemes, allowing you to pay back your loan over a period of 10 years. This means you don’t have to feel so rushed and can enjoy life in your new home.

Once before, you may not have thought you could ever own your own home. Times have changed though and so long as you have served your country and can meet the right criteria (length served, service term left and medical categories), you will meet the eligibility criteria for purchasing a home using this scheme.

Click here to read through further information on the Forces Help to Buy Scheme from the government.

How a mortgage advisor in York may be able to help

Our fast & friendly mortgage advice team in York will support you from day one. From your first call, until completion and beyond, your dedicated mortgage advisor in York will be there to make sure you end up with the best deal for your circumstances.

As a company, we are proud of the levels of customer experience we provide, reducing stress levels and getting results. Book your free mortgage appointment and we will see how we are able to help you with your Forces Help to Buy mortgage.

Please note, the Forces Help to Buy mortgages in York is not the same as other standard UK Help to Buy Scheme.

The Different Types of Mortgages Explained

The Different Types of Mortgage

Whether you are looking to buy a home as a first time buyer in York, are moving home in York, or are ready to remortgage in York, you’ll quickly begin to realise there are a lot of options out there for you when it comes to taking out your mortgage.

In this article, we have put together a comprehensive list of the most popular types of mortgages available to customers on the mortgage market.

If you have any questions regarding any of the mortgage options that we talk about below, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with a dedicated mortgage advisor for expert, open & honest mortgage advice in York & surrounding areas.

What is a Fixed-Rate Mortgage?

What is a Fixed-Rate mortgage? | MoneymanTV

A fixed-rate mortgage will mean that your monthly mortgage payments will remain unchanged for the duration of your mortgage term.

The length of which you want to fix your payments is your choice, with typical choices being somewhere around 2, 3 or 5 years or longer.

No matter what happens with inflation, interest rates or the nationwide economy, you know that your mortgage payment, which is usually a person’s single biggest outgoing, will always be routinely consistent.

What is a Tracker Mortgage?

What is a Tracker mortgage? | MoneymanTV

A tracker mortgage will serve the purpose of providing you with a mortgage interest rate that mimics the Bank of England’s base rate.

This means that neither you nor the mortgage lender will set the rate and it will change as and when the base rate does. If the base rate goes up, your interest rate goes up. If it goes down, yours will go down too. Of course, this happening is beneficial to you.

You will be paying back at a percentage that is above the Bank of England base rate. If we use this in an example; Let’s say the base rate is 1% and you are tracking at 1% above the base rate, that means you will be paying back your interest at a rate of 2%.

What is a Repayment Mortgage?

What is a Repayment mortgage? | MoneymanTV

When you take out a repayment mortgage this means that each month you will be paying back a combination of both the interest and capital. This is the standard mortgage people think of when looking to buy a home.

Going off the basis that you can keep your payments going for the mortgage term duration, you will be guaranteed to have paid it off in full and own the home of your dreams by the end of it.

This is generally, across the industry and the wider world, considered the most risk-free way to pay your capital back to the mortgage lender. Early on in your term, the amount you’ll be paying will be mostly the interest, with your balance reducing at a slower rate. This is especially the case if your term is 25, 30 or 35 years.

The process quickens up within the last ten years or so of your mortgage, where you will be paying back more capital than interest, with the balance reducing at a far quicker rate.

What is an Interest-Only Mortgage?

What is an Interest-Only mortgage? | MoneymanTV

Whilst we do still regularly encounter many buy-to-let mortgages being set up on an interest-only basis (this is an option that works out much better for many landlords), it is increasingly more difficult these days to get a residential property on an interest-only mortgage.

The reason for this is that once you reach the end of your term, you will still have the full mortgage amount to pay off all in one go, with no additional income to fund the amount you’re required to pay.

That being said, there are various unique circumstances where this can be a suitable option for customers, including downsizing when you are older or if you happen to have other investments you can use to pay back the capital.

Lenders are often incredibly strict when it comes to offering these products now and the loan values tend to be much lower than they were in previous years.

What is an Offset Mortgage?

What is an Offset mortgage? | MoneymanTV

The way an offset mortgage works is that your mortgage lender will set you up a savings account that will work in tandem with your mortgage account.

To explain this using an example, let’s say that you have a mortgage balance of £100,000 and you deposit £20,000 into your savings account, you will only be paying interest on the difference between those figures, which in this instance would work out at £80,000.

This can be a very efficient way of managing your finances, especially if you are wont to be paying higher rates of tax. & Yorkmoneyman are trading styles of UK Moneyman Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

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