Fast & Friendly Mortgage Advice in York

Why use a Mortgage Broker in York? | MoneymanTV

Your best interests at heart

First time buyers and home movers in York use a mortgage broker to help purchase a property go as efficiently as possible. Buying a home can be a highly stressful experience, and our customers like to know they have got someone by their side, on hand to answer all their mortgage-related queries and questions. 

Our mortgage advisors in York will ensure you obtain the most affordable mortgage that suits your circumstances. We take complete responsibility for advising the most suitable mortgage for you and package your application to the lender to provide you with the best chance of success. The same applies if you choose to come back to us when looking to remortgage in Hull too, we like to know our customers are on the cheapest deal for the entire mortgage period. 

When to get Mortgage Advice in York?

We think talking to an experienced mortgage advisor in York early in the process is a great idea. We may help you work out what you can afford to pay and how much different Lenders will let you borrow. You would be amazed at the vast differences between each mortgage lender to the maximum mortgage amount you are likely able to borrow.

Straightforward mortgage advice in York can play a large part. We keep all new and existing customers notified about their application’s progress by email. It’s good to know that we are also at the end of the phone when you need us, or if something goes wrong during the process, our mortgage advisors in York can keep you updated on every step.

No Ties to Estate Agents, Banks, or Building Societies

Mortgage brokers work for the customer, not the lender. We are in your corner throughout your entire Mortgage journey, sometimes having to argue the strengths of an application to ensure it goes through. We understand our customers’ financial situation inside out. By requesting and checking your proof of income and bank statements well in advance of a lender seeing them, we look to avoid any potential hurdles before we hit them carefully. 

We can also help you choose the right type of survey for your transaction and instruct a solicitor on your behalf to carry out the legal aspects. We are experts in completing application forms on behalf of our clients to ensure accuracy and give your application the best chance of completion.  

Building Customer Relationships

Finally, a great mortgage advisor will love to build up an ongoing relationship with a client. It frequently starts with an affordability assessment and agreement in principle before even finding a house.

Even after the purchase is complete, we keep regular contact via email and re-engage by phone in the six months running up to the initial mortgage product coming to its end. We then compare the market on your behalf once again to obtain the best remortgage deal available.  

Date Last Edited: December 19, 2023