What is a Credit Score? How to Improve Your Credit Score UK
Way to improve your credit score | moneymanTV

When you apply for a mortgage, having a high credit score improves your chances of being successful. That being said, a high credit score alone won’t guarantee that the financial institution will approve your mortgage.

Every mortgage lender has its own unique mortgage lending criteria, meaning a high credit score in the eyes of one, might not necessarily be a high score in the eyes of another.

Speaking to a mortgage broker in York, like ourselves, is just one of the great ways to improve your chances of success. Using our knowledge of mortgages, we’ll look to get you matched up with a suitable lender for your circumstances.

If you want to get a much more in-depth knowledge of your credit score, you can take a look at a wide variety of credit scoring agencies. For people seeking mortgage advice in York, you will probably come across the bigger names, such as Experian or Equifax.

It is important to check more than just one of these though, so you can get a more accurate look at how your credit file is currently. It also helps to spot any mistakes or inconsistencies amongst the different platforms.

Limit Your Credit Search to a Reasonable Amount 

Of course if you’re doing multiple credit searches, you may also harm your chances of getting a mortgage approved by a mortgage lender, especially if you are doing too many.

Instead, try to limit it to a small selection of trusted credit scoring websites, in order to prevent doing any potential harm to your mortgage chances.

Ensure That You’re on the Voters’ Roll 

People on the voters’ roll are considered to be much more stable and organised than people who are not, and it is something that will reflect positively on your credit score.

If you have not done this before or have not updated your information, it may be worth doing so in order to possibly improve your credit score and consequently, your chances of being accepted for a mortgage.

Don’t Max Out Your Credit 

Another way to improve your credit score is to know your maximum credit limit and make sure you don’t go over that amount.

Maxing out your credit limits your credit score may not help with your mortgage lenders perception of your ability to stabilise your finances.

A mortgage lender will prefer to work with individuals of whom they know can maintain their finances responsibly, with minimal to no risk of falling into arrears.

Ensure to Update Your Address History Properly 

It is very important to update your address history to ensure that your provider knows where exactly you live at a given time. Failure to do so could give the impression that you’re living in two places at once.

Ensure that the details are correct, especially if you live in a flat- which could be quite difficult due to different address formatting.  

Terminate Dormant Credit Accounts 

If you have any old credit accounts that you no longer use, contact the providers to close the accounts. Doing so will be sure to streamline your finances, protects you from fraud and reduces the risk of harming your credit score.

End Your Financial Links to Others  

If you have family, an ex-wife or husband, or any other person that you are financially linked to, it is important to sever those ties prior to a mortgage application.

The truth is, those links may potentially harm your credit score, especially if that person develops a poor credit score of their own. Due to the link, your score will also go down.

Get in Touch with a Mortgage Broker in York

Whether you’re a first time buyer in York, looking to remortgage in York, moving house in York or any other kind of mortgage scenario, your credit score should always be one of your top priorities.

Book online to speak with a mortgage broker in York. A dedicated advisor will talk you through any necessary steps for you to take.

Date Last Edited: December 19, 2023